Eleyo Instructions
If you want to browse all of the Spring clubs within Eleyo you can click HERE to see all of the Enrichment Clubs offered by PSC.
Then click on the Explore All Programs drop down menu at the top right and then select the Enrichments 2021-2022 on the left hand side.
Finally, please click on the Learn More button to review all of the clubs you can register for.
Please note that Eleyo shows all of the PSC sites so please make sure you are selecting Bolton Academy when registering for clubs.

You may already have an Eleyo account from the fall clubs, but if you are new to Eleyo you have the option to "Create one now" after you select your club. If you already attend PSC after care you do not need to create a new Eleyo account for clubs.

You can also review this form HERE for help setting up your account. If you have any questions at all about enrichment clubs at Bolton, you can email Melanie Haley.