YouScience: The Science of YOU!

  • YouScience is an exploration tool that helps students discover where their natural talents and passions meet. YouScience is dedicated to helping you answer questions that haunt students everywhere:

        • “What should I major in?”
        • “What would I succeed in?”
        • “What do I want to do?”

    YouScience uses a series of engaging ‘brain games’ to measure the aptitudes most important to career choice. The results include a discovery profile designed to help students better understand their natural abilities, broaden their awareness of career opportunities, and make more informed decisions about their individual pathway from school to career. YouScience also provides your child's Counselor with innovative tools and data to align students with educational opportunities.  

  • To see your child's results - or help them begin - follow these steps:

    1. Students should log in to MyBackpack and go to Infinite Campus.
    2. On the left menu, click “More” and then on the middle right side of the screen click “My SLDS Portal
    3. At the top of the screen, click My Career Plan
    4. At the bottom of the screen click “Go to YouScience
    5. Students should complete biographical information and then begin the assessment.  

    The Counseling Team works with 9th graders throughout the year to complete YouScience.  Your student may have finished, may be halfway through, or may not have not yet logged in. Keep in mind that YouScience will take about 90 minutes to complete, however it does not have to be done all at once. It consists of 11 "brain games," each takes 5-12 minutes to complete. Students can stop in between games, but should not stop in the middle of one, as they are timed. Results will be available 24 hours after the last assessment is completed.  

    For more information on understanding results, FAQs, and conversation starters, visit: