Student Personal Devices and Smart Watches
At Mary Lin, we are committed to creating safe, distraction-free learning environments and safe spaces for students to engage in unstructured play or conversation with their peers. Midtown High School has a new "PED-free" policy this year, requiring all high school students to put their personal devices (including cell phones and smart watches) "off and away for the day." We are aligning our personal device policy at Mary Lin to the precedent set by Dr. Bockman at our cluster high school.
We are asking that Mary Lin students keep their personal devices (iPhones, Bark Phones, and all other cell phones) as well as their smart watches (Apple watches, Google or Android watches, or any other watch that is connected to cellular service) "off and away for the day."
Students may turn off & store these items in their backpacks for the duration of the school day. Once students are dismissed, they are welcome to utilize these devices. Students are permitted to use their personal devices on APS school buses, as long as they use earbuds or headphones and do not record other students on their device. APS Student Electronic Device regulations can be found on p. 29 of the APS Student Handbook and APS Bus Electronic Device information can be found on p. 44 (regulation 5A).