MTSS @ Mays High School
The essential components of Georgia’s framework are aligned with the nationally vetted Multi-Tiered System of Supports (MTSS) including: Screening, Progress Monitoring,Multi-Level Prevention System, and Data-Based Decision Making. Georgia added Infrastructure as a fifth component to ensure schools can develop a systemic and preventive educational system that can easily be personalized for every child. The following are critical elements of Infrastructure: Leadership, Effective Teaming, Professional Learning, and Family and Community Engagement.
Georgia operates within a three-tiered, multi-level prevention system. Students receive services at all levels, depending on their needs. When all components are implemented, research shows results include strengthened Tier 1 instruction with 80% of students responding to core curriculum. Georgia's Tiered System of Supports for Students represents a cross-divisional effort among Teaching and Learning, School and District Effectiveness, Federal Programs, Positive Behavioral Interventions and Supports, and Special Education. (source: GaDOE)
Some of the intervention applications that are available are:
- Read 180
- Math 180
- Apex
- Check & Connection
- Literature support classes
- Math support classes
To read more about Gerogia’s MTSS implementation, you can click the following link. Georgia's Tiered System of Supports for Students