• Congratulations to Mays Top Race2Read Reading Scholars!

    Mays Makes History with Top High School Reading Loggers in Reading!


    Scholars are encouraged to use MyBackPack in Atlanta Public Schools to gain access to all resources as well as Office 365.

    The following Apps are available in MyBackpack:

    Google Classroom

    Office 365 (to utilize Microsoft Word and Powerpoint, Excel and One Note)

    Beanstack Race2Read

    Paper 24/7 Tutoring App

    Atlanta Public Schools Library click on to see what books are available in the school library

    ClassPass (Hoopla Audio Library) - Fulton County Library


    Launchpacks eResources (provide a world of knowledge to do research, projects, etc) 

    Discovery Education (videos and research tips) etc.

    All this information and more can be accessed with just one click in MyBackPack. If you need any help, please see your Media Specialist in the Library at Mays.

    Access from Home:  MYBACKPACK


    To gain access to utilize Google Classroom please see the example below but remember to use your information to gain access:

    Example:  asmith2345@apsk12.org (username)

                      78960 (lunch number is password) 


    If you need to gain access to Galileo, please remember you do have automatic access to it at the school.  If you need it for home, please remember to type in the password to gain access for Atlanta Public School to utilize Galileo. The password changes every 5 months.


    The password for home access for GALILEO is capture/











Degrees and Certifications:

Ms. Annette Smith Librarian/Media Specialist


APS Celebrates Top HS Reader from Mays, Raider Miracle Matthews


Are you a committed Raider Scholar working hard to accomplish your goals?

Let's Celebrate in person, at the games, online and everywhere!

Celebrate sign

Log your Minutes in My Backpack Race2Read!

Select Text Below to Complete Raider of the Week Form:


Raider of the Week

Athletes: Raider of the Week Form

Fine Arts: Raider of the Week Form



Mays Media Center Room 1005

Circulation Desk: (404-802-5163)

Office Room 1007 (404-802-5114)