APS Salary Schedules

  • Find Your Pay Grade Easily!

    Below are links to our current salary schedules and job descriptions. Follow these steps to find the pay grade for any position:

    1. Check the Job Title: Click on the JOB DESCRIPTIONS link to find the job title and its pay grade.
    2. Find the Salary Schedule: Once you know the pay grade, click on the right salary schedule link to see the details.

    Remember, your placement on the pay scale depends on your equivalent, relevant, and verified experience.

  • Example: How to Find the Pay Grade for a High School Assistant Principal

    1. Go to the Job Descriptions: Click the JOB DESCRIPTIONS link to find Assistant Principal – High.
    2. Identify the Grade and Days: Look for the grade and number of days. For this example, it's Grade 137 and 231 Days.
    3. Click on Non-Teacher Schedules: Go to the Non-Teacher Schedules link.
    4. Find the Pay Grade: Scroll to Grade 137 and the 231-day column.

    Note: It's important to note the number of days assigned to each position to locate the appropriate pay schedule.

FY25 Salary Schedules

How to Read Salary Schedules