
    Online School Supply Sale Is Open For Orders!

    The annual online school supply sale is now open for business. Please consider purchasing your child's school supplies for the 2023/24 school year through schooltoolbox.com.

    This unbelievably convenient option saves you the hassle of in person shopping and helps support the Mary Lin PTA. 5% of every order will be donated back to our PTA to help fund all of the amazing events and classroom support that make Mary Lin such a special school.

    Just click HERE to access Mary Lin's page. Select your child's grade level list and checkout. Please note that some grade levels have a separate list for boys and girls and one grade has a list for last names A - L and M -Z in order to split the amount of certain items. You also have the option of removing items from the list if you already have them at home. Supplies will be delivered to your home address.


    See a full list of Grade Level School Supplies here: 

    2023/24 Grade Level School Supply List