Enrollment Checklist

  • Use the enrollment checklist to ensure that you have completed all components of registering your child.  APS requires rising Kindergarten families to provide the following (see APS’s registration page for forms).

    1. Will your child turn 5 by September 1st, 2025? If the answer is "yes", please continue with registration. If the answer is no, then your child is not eligible to enroll for Kindergarten.

    2. Parents/guardians must provide one of the following:

    1. Valid Georgia Driver's License or state issued ID
    2. Valid U.S. Passport ID
    3. Valid Military ID
    4. Valid Government ID

    3. State of Georgia Immunization Form 3231 - Please check the APS Website for further information regarding Immunizations. (Religious Exemption for Immunizations)

    4. State of Georgia "Hearing, Dental and Vision" Form 3300 - This can be obtained from your child's doctor.  All 3 components (Hearing, Dental, Vision) must be provided to the school before your child can be fully enrolled. Form 3300

    5. Birth Certificate - Kindergarten students must be 5 years old by September 1st, 2025 - Proof of student age must be provided to the school.

    6. Student's Social Security Card - Parents can reserve the right not to provide their child's social security number but will need to complete the Objection to Use Social Security Number for Student Identification Form.

    7. Proof of Residence in Virginia-Highland school attendance zone 

    1. Current Deed, Mortgage Statement or Lease
    2. Current Electric Bill (GA Power, etc.) if the lease includes utilities, please submit a copy of tax, auto insurance, or auto registration with address zoned for Virginia-Highland ES in parent/guardians name.

    8. Affidavit of Residency Form/Lease Verification

    9. Virginia-Highland Medical Form

    10.Virginia-Highland Student Information Form

    11. Did you complete an online registration? Online Registration Please be sure to complete the entire registration process online, including uploading all required documentation.