- Virginia-Highland Elementary
- Meals & Meal Payment
New Students
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- Meals & Meal Payment
- Mentor Family Program - Come Fly with Me!
- School Supplies
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- Student Medical Documentation - Allergies, Medicine, etc.
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Meal Payment - My School Bucks
Paying for Breakfast and Lunch:
Parents may make pre-payments to children’s individual meal account, through MySchoolBucks. Please call APS Nutrition Customer Service 404-802-2540 with any questions.
- Log on to MySchoolBucks
- Sign up for an account
- Activate your account
- Log into your account
- Students are given “lunch numbers” to use to buy food from their meal accounts. Students are expected to know their lunch numbers after the initial start of school.
- Students are responsible for remembering their lunch or lunch money, but if it is forgotten, the cafeteria will provide a meal. A note will be sent home if your child is charged a meal.
- Plain milk is available for purchase separately.
- Cash may not be given to the cafeteria staff. Parents are asked to set up a MySchoolBucks account and to add money to that account periodically so students can eat.
Free & Reduced Meal Application
Virginia-Highland Elementary is a Non-Title 1 School. Families will have to pay for their child(ren) to eat school breakfast or lunch unless that family qualifies for Free & Reduced lunch status.
In order to qualify for free or reduced lunch status, families will need to complete the Free & Reduced Lunch Application.
You must complete one application for your household, listing all children attending APS on one application. Once you complete the application requesting free or reduced lunch, you will be notified of your child's status once the application has been processed. Students are expected to pay the full price for meals until the application has been processed and the eligibility status is sent to the school. Click on the link below to apply.