- Virginia-Highland Elementary
- Meals & Meal Payment
- Breakfast & Lunch
New Students
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Visit the APS Nutrition webpage for Online Menus for breakfast and lunch (bottom of the webpage). You can also sign up for monthly menus directly emailed to you.
Breakfast is served daily. Students planning on eating breakfast at school should have money posted on their MySchoolBucks account or have qualified for Free/Reduced Meals. Please let your child's homeroom teacher know if your child will be eating breakfast at school.
- Breakfast is served every morning beginning at 7:15am in the cafeteria.
- Students eating breakfast past 7:45am will take their breakfast to their classroom to complete.
- Breakfast service will end at 8:00am each morning. Students who arrive tardy to school will have the option of a cold breakfast if needed.
Lunch is served daily. Students planning on eating lunch at school should have money posted on their MySchoolBucks account or have qualified for Free/Reduced Meals. Please let your child's homeroom teacher know if your child will be eating lunch at school.
- Students are welcome to bring a packed lunch, although refrigeration and microwaves are not available.
- Parents may sign-in at the main office to eat lunch with their child in the cafe at any time, without prior teacher approval.
- Parents may eat with their own child at the designated visitor section located in the cafeteria or in the cafeteria courtyard. No other students may join unless expressed consent was provided to the school in advance.
- Students will have 30 minutes for lunch. We ask that all visitors adhere to our lunch schedule.