- Virginia-Highland Elementary
- Pre-Kindergarten (Pre-K) Information
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Pre-K at VHE
Virginia-Highland Elementary is very excited to offer a Pre-K Program for the 2024.25 school year! VHE will have one general education Pre-K class that will have a maximum of 22 students, 1 teacher and 1 instructional paraprofessional. In order to become a part of our Pre-K program, all parents/guardians who are interested must apply to be a part of the Pre-K Lottery.
Looking to apply for Pre-K for Fall of 2024?
The Pre-K lottery application for the 2024-2025 school year will be available from January 16, 2024 at 9:00a.m through March 15, 2024 at 11:59p.m. The lottery drawing will be held in March 2024. Lottery results must be verified before they can be released. The verification process can take a few days. However, all applicants will be informed of the results via email and on their parent dashboard found within the enrollment system after this process is complete. After the lottery drawing takes place, our application will reopen on March 31, 2024 and the remaining seats will then be filled on a first-come, first-serve basis. If a seat becomes available, and you are next in line to receive a seat, you will be contacted by email.
Program Requirements
- Child must turn four years old by September 1, 2024
- Child must live within the Atlanta Public Schools' attendance zone
- All APS employees are eligible to apply
- If you are the parent of twins, triplets, etc., you are required to submit one application per child. Before the lottery drawing takes place, each application will be linked to ensure that they are placed at the same site
- Applicants must have a valid email address to apply
Lottery Application Process
Applicants can access our online lottery application by visiting www.enrollearlyatl.com from January 16-March 15, 2024. DO NOT ATTEMPT TO COMPLETE THE APPLICATION BEFORE JANUARY 16TH. Doing so, will cause you to submit an application to the wrong school year and your application will not be included in the lottery. It will take approximately 30 minutes to complete the application. You will be asked to submit copies of key documents before your application is considered complete and can be submitted. The required documents are listed below. If you are unable to complete the application in one sitting, you can save your information and return to it later, but must submit it by March 12th at 11:59 p.m. Lottery applications will NOT be accepted after March 12th at 11:59 p.m. for any reason.
When completing the application, applicants will be allowed to select a maximum of three different Pre-K sites and should list them in order of preference. Selecting three sites is optional. If you are only interested in one or two sites, leave the other site selection fields blank. Although not mandatory, we strongly encourage you to select your child's zoned school as your first choice. Acceptance into your zoned school creates an easy transition to kindergarten. In addition, school bus transportation services will only be offered to your child if they are accepted into their zoned school and live more than 1 mile away from the school.
Once the lottery results have been verified, each applicant will receive an email informing them of the results. If your child is not accepted, he or she will be placed on the waiting list for your first choice only.