Compensation & Classification

Compensation & Classification
  • We aim to maintain a comprehensive compensation program that attracts, retains, and motivates a highly qualified and competent workforce.

    The Compensation Department can assist you in many ways. We encourage you to explore this area to find valuable information about your compensation and answers to many of your questions. If you do not find what you need, please contact us at


    Please note: To better serve you, be specific with your inquiry and include your employee ID number.


    Compensation Strategy

    We believe that a robust compensation strategy is not only crucial for our success but also serves as a pivotal driver in moving our district forward. 

    To achieve our vision of co-creating "a high-performing school district where students love to learn, educators inspire, families engage, and the community trusts the system," we place strategic focus on the foundational pillars for our compensation strategy: Transparency, Talent-Centricity, and Responsibility. 

Compensation Strategy Graphic