- Virginia-Highland Elementary
- Registration Q & A
New Students
Page Navigation
- Welcome to Virginia-Highland Elementary!
- New Student Registration
- Registration Checklist
- Registration Q & A
- Afterschool Childcare
- Early Dismissal
- Meals & Meal Payment
- Mentor Family Program - Come Fly with Me!
- Pre-Kindergarten (Pre-K) Information
- School Supplies
- Student Field Trip Fees
- Student Medical Documentation - Allergies, Medicine, etc.
- Teacher Assignment Process
- Transportation
Is there a checklist of everything that I need to do to register my child?
Be sure that items below are accounted for when registering your child.
1. Will your child turn 5 by September 1st, 2025?
2. Parents/ guardians must provide one of the following:
- Valid Georgia Driver's License or state issued ID
- Valid U.S. Passport ID
- Valid Military ID
- Valid Government ID
3. State of Georgia Immunization Form 3231 - Please check the APS Website for further information regarding Immunizations.
4. State of Georgia "Hearing, Dental and Vision" Form 3300
5. Birth Certificate(Kindergarten students must be 5 years old by September 1st)
6. Student's Social Security Card
7. Proof of Residence in Virginia-Highland school attendance zone
- Deed, Mortgage Statement or Lease
- Current Electric Bill (GA Power, etc.) if the lease includes utilities, please submit a copy of tax, auto insurance, or auto registration with address zoned for VHE in parent/guardians name.
8. Affidavit of Residency Form/Lease Verification
9. Virginia-Highland Medical Form
10.Virginia-Highland Student Information Form
11. Did you complete an online registration? Online Registration Please be sure to complete the entire registration process online, including uploading all required documentation.