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IEP Team Meeting Facilitation
The Atlanta Public Schools (APS) Department of Special Education is excited to partner with the Georgia Department of Education (GaDOE) to offer Facilitated Individualized Education Program (FIEP) Team Meetings. IEP Team Meeting Facilitation is an optional process, not required by the IDEA that Atlanta Public Schools may provide to parents and schools. A facilitated IEP Team meeting is the same as any other IEP Team meeting, except that a facilitator joins the meeting.
What is IEP Team Meeting Facilitation?
IEP Team Meeting Facilitation is a collaborative dispute prevention and resolution process used when members of an IEP Team agree that the presence of a third party would help facilitate communication and problem solving. IEP Team Meeting Facilitation can be especially useful when there is a history of communication challenges, or a meeting is expected to be particularly complex or controversial.In a facilitated IEP Team meeting, an impartial facilitator helps to keep members of the lEP Team focused on the development of the lEP while addressing conflicts and disagreements that may arise during the meeting. At the meeting, the facilitator will use communication skills that create an environment in which the IEP Team members can listen to each member's point of view and work together to complete the development of a high-quality lEP. What are some benefits of IEP Team Meeting Facilitation?
- May build and improve relationships among IEP Team members
- Team members may feel better heard when a facilitator is involved
- Allows all members of the IEP Team the chance to participate fully
- The IEP Team may work together more effectively and efficiently to create an IEP that the student and is supported by all IEP Team members
- Keeps decision-making with the IEP Team members who know the student best
- Helps resolve disagreements more quickly than other dispute resolution processes
To access an IEP Team Meeting Facilitation Request form and other information regarding facilitated IEP Team meetings, click on the links below.
- IEP Facilitation Request Form
- IEP Facilitation Request - Spanish
- IEP Facilitation Policies Manual
- FIEP Promotional Flyer
- FIEP Promotional Flyer - Spanish
- IEP Facilitation Parent Guide
- IEP Facilitation Parent Guide - Spanish
- FIEP Background Information- Spanish
If you have questions or need additional assistance, please contact:
Anne C. Dirden
Director | Special Education
acdirden@atlanta.k12.ga.us | 404-802-2611Administrative Assistant | Denisha Chapman
denisha.chapman@atlanta.k12.ga.us | 404-802-2694For specific information regarding IEP Team Meeting Facilitation, please access the Georgia Department of Education website or email SPEDHelpDesk@doe.k12.ga.us