• SMS IB logo combined with NAHS IB logo in landscape

    Below are the policies created and adhered to by all IB Learners, students and staff, at Sutton Middle School and North Atlanta High School.

    Academic Integrity Policy (Para español, haga clic aquí)

    Sutton Middle School and North Atlanta High School each subscribe to the Atlanta Public Schools Academic Integrity Policy.  The Atlanta Board of Education recognizes that academic integrity is the foundation of academic excellence and student success. It is the responsibility of every student and employee to exhibit honesty, trust, fairness, respect, and responsibility in academic work at all times to support a positive learning environment in the school...Click here to continue reading the SMS & NAHS Academic Integrity Policy

    Assessment Policy (Para español, haga clic aquí)

    The purposes for assessment at Sutton Middle School and North Atlanta High School are to inform teaching and learning, to assist in planning for classes, to regulate assessment and teaching practice within the school, to monitor achievement and to determine final levels of achievement for students...Click here to continue reading the SMS & NAHS Assessment Policy

    Inclusion Policy (Para español, haga clic aquí)

    Sutton Middle School and North Atlanta High School follow all federal and state guidelines in teaching students with special needs. The Atlanta Public Schools provide comprehensive inclusive services for students with disabilities (SWD) and/or language learning needs. Professionals are on staff to provide psychological services, health services, social services, education for the homeless, English Language Learning (ELL) instruction, gifted instruction, student support and services for students with special needs. Counselors and social workers are employed at both schools to meet routine and emergency needs. Paraprofessionals are employed throughout both schools helping physically and intellectually challenged students. A nurse is available to monitor specific medical needs. Student success is supported at every level. All students are part of the MYP in both schools. The DP and CP include students who are designated as gifted, homeless, ELL, SWD and 504...Click here to continue reading the SMS & NAHS Inclusion Policy

    Language Policy (Para español, haga clic aquí)

    Sutton Middle School and North Atlanta High School recognize that language proficiency is essential to effective relationships in the modern world.  Thorough practices in receptive and productive skills allow students to understand and communicate in spoken and written formats.  Study of literature, social discourse, exposition, persuasive writing, information dissemination of data, and information literacy empower students to appreciate their world.  The ability to present thought in written and digital compositions permits students to move confidently into an ever changing world...Click here to continue reading the SMS & NAHS Language Policy