Supporting Gifted Students

  • Atlanta Public Schools is dedicated to promoting the cognitive and affective growth of gifted and high-ability learners.  Following are recommended links for information on specific topics or issues related to gifted education.  These links will direct you away from this APS site for additional information, such as recommended publications and opportunities for gifted students.
    The Georgia Department of Education Gifted Ed Department (GaDOE), oversees public gifted education throughout the state.  It ensures that laws and regulations pertaining to education are followed and that state and federal money appropriated for education is properly allocated to local school systems.  GaDOE provides education-related information to students, parents, teachers, educational staff, governmental officials and the media.  
    National Association for Gifted Children (NAGC) is partnered with the Georgia Department of Education to provide parents and teachers with updated standards and advocacy resources for your gifted and talented students.  NAGC provides a forum for the exchange of information and ideas among the organization.
    Georgia Association for Gifted Children  (GAGC) will establish, promote and sponsor opportunities for exchange of ideas and experiences through public meetings, exhibitions, training, workshops, and formal courses of instruction.
    Supporting the Emotional Needs of the Gifted (SENG) established guidelines for SENG-Model Parent Support Groups.  SENG Model Parent Groups are structured to bring together interested parents of gifted and talented children to discuss such topics as motivation, discipline, stress management, and peer relationships.  The co-facilitators of the group, though they are knowledgeable about parenting and about educating gifted/talented children, provide a non-judgmental and nurturing atmosphere that fosters learning and support. 
    The Council for Exceptional Children (CEC) is the largest international professional organization dedicated to improving the educational success of individuals with disabilities and /or gifts and talents.  CEC advocates for appropriate governmental policies, sets professional standards, provides professional development, advocates for individuals with exceptionalities and helps professionals obtain conditions and resources necessary for effective professional practice. Listed below are some of the services that are provided.

    1.      Professional development opportunities and resources

    2.      17 divisions for specialized information

    3.      Journals and newsletters with information on new research findings, classroom practices that work, federal legislation and policies.

    4.      Conventions and conferences

    is an organization that believes in the idea of forming a society of bright people.  Mensa aspires to create a society that is non-political and free from all racial or religious distinctions.  The Society welcomes people from every walk of life whose IQ is in the top 2% of the population.  Mensa strives to identify and foster human intelligence for the benefit of humanity, to encourage research into the nature, characteristics and uses of intelligence, and to promote stimulating intellectual and social opportunities for its members.