• Psychological Services

About School Psychologists

  • School psychologists work with students, educators, and families to support the academic achievement, positive behavior, and mental wellness of all students, especially those who struggle with barriers to learning.  They help schools and families address some of our biggest challenges in education: improving and individualizing instruction to close the achievement gap; increasing graduation rates and preventing dropouts; creating safe, positive school climates and preventing violence; providing meaningful accountability; and strengthening family–school partnerships (NASP, 2008). 

    According to the Georgia Department of Education's website, school psychologists are the most highly trained personnel in education and are employed in Georgia schools in order to prevent or address the most severe learning and behavior problems. Their training is specific to applying this expertise within the school context, both general education and special education, and also includes extensive knowledge in school systems and law (NASP 2010a, 2010b).  

  • Mental Health
  • Learning, Assessment, & Interventions
  • Behavior
  • School Systems
Last Modified on July 22, 2024