• About Our Team

    Atlanta Public Schools' Psychological Services team is comprised of 54 school psychologists and three (3) interns. Our team collaborates with educators, parents, and other professionals to create safe, healthy, and supportive learning environments that strengthen connections between home, school, and the community for all APS students.

  • MaryAnn Green, Ed.S.
    Director, Psychological Services
    Atlanta Public Schools
    Division of Academics-Student Services| CLL Building
    Ph: 404-802-2685 | Fax: 404-802-1602
    Email Address: magreen@atlanta.k12.ga.us

  • Kathryn Powell, Ph.D.
    Coordinator, Psychological Services
    Atlanta Public Schools
    Division of Academics-Student Services| CLL Building
    Ph: 404-802-2686 | Fax: 404-802-1602
    Email Address: Kathryn.Powell@atlanta.k12.ga.us

  • OUR EXPERTISE/TRAINING 1. Evaluations (Academic,Behavior, Social/Emotional)
    3. Counseling
    4. Behavior Modification
    5. Autism Spectrum Disorder
    6. ADHD and Executive Functioning
    7. MTSS/ Intervention
    8. Specific Learning Disability
    9. Preschool Assessment
    10. Emotional Behavior Disorder
    11. ESOL Evaluation
  • Recommended School Psychologist to Student Ratio NASP Recommended School Psychologist Ratio: 1: 500-700 students
    APS 2020-2021 Ratio 1:2059
    APS 2024-2025 Ratio: 1:918
  • Professional Affiliations National Association of School Psychologists (NASP)
    Georgia Association of School Psychologists (GASP)
    The Black School Psychologist Network Inc. (BSPN)
    Georgia Associations of Educators (GAE)
  • Languages We Speak 1. Spanish
    2. French
    3. Arabic
    4. German
    5. Twi
  • Top 5 Gallup Strengths 1. Achiever
    2. Communicator
    3. Positivity
    4. Relator
    5. Strategic
Last Modified on July 22, 2024