• Internship Logo


    Considering signing up for an internship? Here are answers to frequently asked questions to help you out:

    Do I have to take a class to have an internship? Yes. You take Mentorship in the fall and Internship in the spring during the last period of the school day. See the timeline to the left for more info.

    Does my school participate? Some high schools do, and others do not. Your school must offer the Mentorship and Internship classes. Check with your guidance counselor or contact the district's gifted office at 404-802-7585.

    Do I have to be "gifted" to participate? No. Schools determine which students participate and may select motivated students who are not gifted-identified in addition to those who are. 

    What kinds of internships are available? We have internship partnerships with all types of businesses, universities, and government agencies. Common placements include entrepreneurship, marketing, graphic design, arts, healthcare, finance, engineering, and science. We work hard to find internships that align with students' interests.

    Do I get to choose my internship? No. The program coordinator will consider your career interests and determine placements. Many factors limit placements, so student choice is not possible. 

    How will I be matched with an internship? Early in the fall, you will complete career exploration activities and complete a survey. The program coordinator will seek to place you in an internship related to your career interests. However, you are not guaranteed a particular placement. We do our best, but matching every student with an internship directly related to their interests is sometimes impossible.

    Is every student guaranteed an internship? No. Space is limited, and schools determine which students participate. Also, successful completion of the fall Mentorship course is required. 

    When do I get to meet my mentor? You will meet with your mentor virtually to plan your experience when the program coordinator finalizes internship placements. Initial mentor meetings usually occur in November.

    When do I go to my internship? Most students leave school two times per week for their internships. On those days, you check out of school at the beginning of fourth period (usually between 2 and 2:30) and travel to your internship site. Typically, students stay at their internship site until the close of business, between 5 and 6 p.m. However, experiences vary, and you will work out those details when you meet with your mentor in the fall before internships begin in January.

    How do I get to my internship? Students and their families are responsible for arranging transportation. Some students drive themselves, some carpool, parents drop off some, and a few take MARTA. Some even walk or bike, depending on the distance. We try to consider your transportation options when placing you in an internship. We strongly encourage students to talk with their parents in the early fall to make arrangements for the spring.

    When does my internship start? Most internships start early January and end the last week before spring break, around March 31st. After spring break, you present your Capstone Project.

    How long is the internship? Interns log between 40 and 60 hours working with their mentor or on tasks related to their internships. Students are expected to engage in their internship for an average of 5 hours per week from January to March. 

  • Capstone Projects

    The Capstone Project is an opportunity for the student intern to showcase what they have accomplished and how they have grown during their internship. The project is guided by a learning contract and action plan developed by the student and mentor in collaboration before the start of the internship. In April, we come together for the Capstone Celebration, where interns have the opportunity to share their projects with other students, parents, mentors, and partners. Take a look at the pictures below from our 2024 Capstone Celebration.