- Atlanta Public Schools
- School Zones
School District Map & Zones
What is my zoned school?
Use the APS School Zone Locator map to locate your zoned school. If you have any questions, please call or email the Department of Student Assignment at 404.802.2233 or Facility Services at 404-802-3731.
Locate your bus route | Locate your bus with the Here Comes the Bus app
How are school zones determined?
The official zone boundary for each elementary, middle, and high school is established by the Atlanta Board of Education.
Administrative Regulation JBCCA-R(1) School Attendance AreasStudents are to attend school in the zone in which is located the bona fide residence of their parents/legal guardians unless they have administrative approval to enroll elsewhere (Student Assignment- 404-802-2233). A student's school attendance zone is determined by the bona fide primary residence of the custodial parent/legal guardian based on the annual completion of a general affidavit and verification of proof of residence.
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