How to Connect & Engage at APS

  • At APS, one of our Core Values is "Every Voice Matters." We have heard from stakeholders the importance of understanding how they can engage based on their need, role, and goal. This website will act as a one-stop-shop highlighting our values, ways to engage, upcoming events, and recaps of what we have heard. Thanks for making your voice heard!

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Ways to Engage

  • I have a question about my student

    Reach out to your student's teacher or school to support. Find your school. If your student's teacher or principal is unable to help, please reach out to the Associate Superintendent responsible for your cluster.

  • I want to be a part of the decision-making process.

    Volunteer to serve on your school's GO Team, or participate in district engagements on upcoming decisions. You can also join your local school's PTA, or get one started if your school does not have a PTA.

  • What is happening in my school or cluster?

    Follow your school and cluster schools on social media, and tune into GO Team and Cluster Advisory Team meetings. Also, check out your local school's PTA meetings.

  • How will I know my feedback has been heard?

    People should expect timely responses to their questions and feedback. As part of our APS Core Value that "Every Voice Matters," we are aligning our response time to the Board Policy for Board Members (eg. 5 days for written correspondence). In addition, at the end of each month, we will provide a recap of the engagement and impact. That feedback will be shared on this site.

  • My question or feedback needs to be face-to-face.

    If you feel your question or feedback needs more conversation than Let's Talk or the other engagement opportunities, sign up for a chat with the Office of Strategy & Engagement.