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- Atlanta Virtual Academy
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- Pre-Kindergarten Program
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- Rent An APS Facility
- Report Cards
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- Research Partnerships
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- School Finder Tool
- School Zones
- Schools, Division of
- Section 504
- Signature Programs
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- Social Studies
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- Strong Schools
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- Student Handbook
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- Teaching & Learning
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- Title IX
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- Truancy Center
- Virtual Academy
- Warehouse
- Withdrawing Your Student
- World Languages
- ELA/Literacy
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- Open Records
- Fine + Performing Arts
- Community
- American Rescue Plan Act of 2021
- APS Connects
- APS Now - Community Newsletter
- Community Resources
- Forest Cove
- Get Our Kids Connected
- Hola APS
- Let’s Talk Overview
- Open Records
- Volunteer
- Survey: 2023-2024 Streamlined Consolidated Local Education Agency (LEA) Improvement Plan Survey
- Survey: Prioritizing Initiatives Funded by the American Rescue Plan Act of 2021
- Calendars
- Superintendent
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- Contact Us
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