1.1.22 APS to Operate Virtually Next Week for All Students, Employees

Office of Communications and Public Engagement
130 Trinity Avenue SW | Atlanta, Georgia 30303


Seth Coleman, Director of Media Relations & Television Broadcast

404-802-2891, office
404-406-5570, cell


FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE                                                          

January 1, 2022


Atlanta Public Schools to Operate Virtually Next Week for All Students, Employees

ATLANTA – Atlanta Public Schools will operate virtually next week for all students and all staff, after further review of district and community COVID-19 data.


Due to the rapid rise in positive cases in the metro Atlanta area, students will begin virtual classes Tuesday, Jan. 4 through Friday, Jan. 7. The current plan is to resume in-person instruction on Monday, Jan. 10.


Here are more details of the district’s virtual plan for next week:


  • All APS staff will report to their work location Monday, Jan. 3, for mandatory COVID surveillance testing, unless they are ill. The data collected from staff testing will be used for future planning. 


  • Students who need to pick up virtual learning devices may do so at their school on Monday, Jan. 3 and Tuesday, Jan. 4.


  • All athletics and extracurricular activities will be suspended during this virtual week.


  • APS students and families may pick up 5-day meal kits on Wednesday, Jan. 5, 11 a.m. to 1 p.m., at pre-determined sites.


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