1.4.22 APS Announces Two Days of Surveillance Testing for Employees, Students Prior to Return to In-Person Learning, Monday

Office of Communications and Public Engagement
130 Trinity Avenue SW | Atlanta, Georgia 30303


Seth Coleman, Director of Media Relations & Television Broadcast

404-802-2891, office
404-406-5570, cell


FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE                                                          

January 4, 2022


APS Announces Two Days of Surveillance Testing for Employees, Students Prior to Return to In-Person Learning, Monday

ATLANTA – Atlanta Public Schools will offer surveillance testing for students and district employees at nine cluster sites Thursday and Friday (Jan. 6-7), noon to 5 p.m. 


This will provide APS with valuable data that may be used for contact tracing as the district prepares to reopen schools for in-person learning on Monday, January 10, 2022. Surveillance testing during this two-day period is voluntary for employees and students.


When schools reopen for in-person learning on Monday, mandatory surveillance testing for employees (twice per week), which was implemented last semester, will continue. Parents who have not already consented to voluntary surveillance testing for their child/children may do so at the testing sites or online here

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About Atlanta Public Schools

Atlanta Public Schools is one of the largest school districts in the state of Georgia, serving approximately 50,000 students across 87 schools and five programs. The District is organized into nine K-12 clusters with 64 traditional schools, 19 charter schools, six partner schools, two alternative schools and five alternative programs. To learn more about Atlanta Public Schools, follow us on social media – Twitter (@apsupdate), Facebook (Atlanta Public Schools), and Instagram (apsupdate) – or visit us online at www.atlantapublicschools.us