3.21 APS Weekly News Tip Sheet

Office of Communications and Public Engagement
130 Trinity Avenue SW | Atlanta, Georgia 30303


Seth Coleman, Director of Media Relations & Television Broadcast

404-802-2891, office
404-406-5570, cell


FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE                                                
March 21, 2022

Atlanta Public Schools Weekly News Tip Sheet
(March 21 – 26)

Editors/Producers/Reporters: The following is a list of events, programs, accomplishments and/or initiatives occurring in Atlanta Public Schools (APS) this week. Please use it as a guide as you develop your coverage plans.

Members of the media are invited to attend all events on the Weekly APS News Tip Sheet. If you have an interest in these stories, please contact Seth Coleman, Media Relations Director. Thank you for your interest in Atlanta Public Schools!

APS to Host Virtual Teacher Job Fair, March 26

Atlanta Public Schools will host a virtual teacher job fair, Saturday, March 26, 9 a.m. – Noon.

Hosting the job fair on a virtual platform allows more prospective teachers to participate and alleviates concerns any potential participants may have about COVID-19. The fair is for current teachers, veterans and other professionals considering a career change.

The job fair will feature representatives from all the district’s traditional schools, who will be looking to fill openings on all grade levels and in all subject areas, including special education, fine arts, math and science, world languages, as well as career and technical education fields. Provisional teaching certificates will be available to those applicants who qualify.

To register for the virtual teacher job fair, visit https://pvapi.premiervirtual.com/s/8Q9zG8.



APS Accepting Applications for Student Transfers Through March 25

Atlanta Public Schools (APS) is accepting applications for General Administrative Transfers and Georgia Special Needs Scholarship transfers Monday, March 7 through Friday, March 25.

Georgia’s Public School Choice law allows residents of the city of Atlanta to attend a public school outside of their zoned APS school, if space is available. Students who live outside the district (non-residents) and want to attend an Atlanta Public School may do so if space is available.

Non-resident students are required to pay tuition. The current tuition rates for non-resident students are:

  • General Education: $10,347
  • Special Education: $15,198 plus costs for additional services based on individual needs
  • Evening High School: $744 per class (non-resident), $149 per class (resident over age 21), free (Resident aged 16-21)

The Atlanta Board of Education will determine tuition for the 2022-2023 school year in the Summer of 2022.

APS offers two types of transfers:

  1. General Administrative Transfers – permits a student to attend an out-of-zone school through the highest grade offered at the school. Students are accepted based upon available space at the requested school.
  2. Georgia Special Needs Scholarship Transfers – permits eligible special education students to request a transfer to another APS school on the basis of special needs. Approval is subject to space availability at the requested school. In order to qualify for the GSNS transfer, the student should meet the following requirements:
  • The student’s parent(s) currently resides within Georgia and has been a Georgia resident for at least one calendar year; and
  • The student has attended school during the 2021-2022 school year in a K-12 Georgia public school and that attendance is reflected in both the October 2021 and March 2022 full-time enrollment counts at the school.

General administrative transfers and Georgia Special Needs Scholarship transfers applications will be accepted online Monday, March 7, through Friday, March 25 at http://www.atlanta.k12.ga.us/transfers and in person by appointment only at the APS Department of Student Assignment, 130 Trinity Avenue, 2nd Floor, Atlanta, GA 30303, from 8:30 am to 4:00 pm Monday through Friday.

To schedule an in-person appointment, call (404) 802-2233 or click HERE to schedule an appointment. Parents may apply any time during the application window. Applications submitted on the last day receive the same consideration as applications submitted on the first day.

Transportation for students under the public-school choice option is the responsibility of the parent. A list of schools accepting transfers is currently available on the APS website: http://www.atlanta.k12.ga.us/transfers


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About Atlanta Public Schools

Atlanta Public Schools is one of the largest school districts in the state of Georgia, serving approximately 50,000 students across 87 schools and five programs. The District is organized into nine K-12 clusters with 64 traditional schools, 19 charter schools, six partner schools, two alternative schools and five alternative programs. To learn more about Atlanta Public Schools, follow us on social media – Twitter (@apsupdate), Facebook (Atlanta Public Schools), and Instagram (apsupdate) – or visit us online at www.atlantapublicschools.us.