03.29 Weekly News Tip Sheet (Week of March 27, 2023)

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Office of Communications and Public Engagement
130 Trinity Avenue SW | Atlanta, Georgia 30303

Seth Coleman, Director of Media

404-802-2891, office
404-345-8630, cell


Jasmine Mosley, Interim Media Relations Manager

404-802-2888, office
404-937-0473, cell



FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE                                                
March 29, 2023

Atlanta Public Schools Weekly News Tip Sheet
(March 27 – April 1, 2023)

Editors/Producers/Reporters: The following is a list of events, programs, accomplishments, and/or initiatives occurring in Atlanta Public Schools (APS) this week. Please use it as a guide as you develop your coverage plans.

Members of the media are invited to attend all events on the Weekly APS News Tip Sheet. If you have an interest in these stories, please contact Seth Coleman, Director, Media, or Jasmine Mosley, Interim Media Relations Manager.

Thank you for your interest in Atlanta Public Schools! 


(Thursday, 1 PM) Young Middle School to Unveil Community Garden
Through Partnership with EARTHGANG, Universal Music Group, Goodr

Grammy-nominated hip-hop duo EARTHGANG, in partnership with The Universal Music Group U.S. Green Team (UMG Green Team), sustainable waste management and hunger relief company Goodr, and Atlanta Public Schools will unveil a community garden at Jean Childs Young Middle School (3116 Benjamin E. Mays Drive, SW), Thursday (1 PM).


The community garden will serve as a space for Young Middle School students to engage in inquiry-driven, project-based learning across academic subjects, while also deepening their understanding of how natural systems work. The partnership with the UMG Green Team – an initiative of Universal Music Group’s All Together Now Foundation – and Goodr provides schools with the essential tools to establish and support garden-based learning programs such as garden materials and supplies, educator resources, and a mobile cooking kit. 


Along with the members of EARTHGANG, Goodr CEO Jasmine Crowe-Houston and representatives from Atlanta Public Schools and the City of Atlanta will be in attendance to celebrate the event.



(Friday, Noon) R&B Star Amerie to Debut New Children’s Book for L.P. Miles Elementary School Students

District partner Page Turners Make Great Learners and Mercedes-Benz USA will host a reading rally on Friday at L.P. Miles Elementary School, featuring a singer who is adding child author to her resume.


The rally will include a read-along with R&B singer Amerie, who will debut her children’s book “You Will Do Great Things” during the event. The reading rally is a celebration of Atlanta Public Schools students for exceeding the 10 million-minute reading goal and another way to share the importance of reading with students. Additionally, Mercedes-Benz USA will gift every second- and third-grade student with Amerie’s children’s book.



Atlanta Virtual Academy Application Deadline Extended to April 7


Atlanta Public Schools has extended the deadline to apply for a spot in Atlanta Virtual Academy (AVA) for the 2023-2024 school year to April 7.


AVA is a fully accredited online learning environment that is available to elementary, middle, and high school students in Atlanta Public Schools. The program offers two types of virtual learning experiences:  a Direct Full Time Program offering synchronous learning with live instruction or a Flex Full-Time Program offering asynchronous self-paced learning with teacher facilitation as needed. 


The 2023-2024 school year begins August 1. Applications for AVA are currently being accepted online or by appointment at the Department of Student Assignment, located at 130 Trinity Avenue (2nd Floor), Atlanta, Georgia 30303. Families should visit www.atlantapublicschools.us/atlantavirtualacademy to apply and learn more about the program.



APS to Host Parade to Celebrate District’s 150th Anniversary




The Atlanta Board of Education and Atlanta Public Schools are pleased to announce Atlanta Public Schools’ 150th Anniversary Parade on Saturday, April 22, starting at 10 AM.

The entire city of Atlanta and ALL APS stakeholders are invited to help celebrate this significant milestone in the district’s proud history, sharing this special moment with all students, families, communities, and APS Alumni.

The APS 150th Celebration Parade will feature performers, entertainment, floats, and community members and organizations representing their schools. The route of the parade will start near the campus of Carver High School on University Avenue, travel west to Pryor Road, then south to Claire Drive, and east to Lakewood Stadium.

Individuals, families, organizations, and businesses wishing to support the parade by volunteering or participating in it may email apsparade150@atlanta.k12.ga.us or visit the APS 150th Parade website.

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About Atlanta Public Schools

Atlanta Public Schools is one of the largest school districts in the state of Georgia, serving approximately 50,000 students across 87 schools and five programs. The District is organized into nine K-12 clusters with 64 traditional schools, 19 charter schools, six partner schools, two alternative schools and five alternative programs. To learn more about Atlanta Public Schools, follow us on social media – Twitter (@apsupdate), Facebook (Atlanta Public Schools), and Instagram (apsupdate) – or visit us online at www.atlantapublicschools.us.