3.30 APS Weekly News Tip Sheet

Office of Communications and Public Engagement
130 Trinity Avenue SW | Atlanta, Georgia 30303

Ian Smith, Executive Director
404-802-2855, office
404-603-6934, cell



Seth Coleman, Media Relations Manager
404-802-2891, office
404-406-5570, cell


FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE                                                     

March 30, 2020


Atlanta Public Schools Weekly News Tip Sheet
(March 30 – April 4)

Editors/Producers/Reporters: The following is a list of events, programs, accomplishments and/or initiatives occurring in Atlanta Public Schools (APS) this week. Please use it as a guide as you develop your coverage plans.

Members of the media are invited to attend all events on the Weekly APS News Tip Sheet. If you have an interest in these stories, please contact Seth Coleman, Media Relations Manager.  Thank you for your interest in Atlanta Public Schools!

(Monday - Friday) APS High Schools Celebrate Virtual Spirit Week

Though school facilities and extracurricular activities have been postponed to combat the spread of the coronavirus (COVID-19), Atlanta Public Schools is moving forward with its annual “Sprit Week” in the District’s high schools, with elementary and middle schools joining in as well.

“Spring Coming” features a week’s worth of fun and interactive virtual activities to celebrate school spirit in all nine APS high school clusters (Carver, Douglass, Grady, Jackson, Mays, North Atlanta, South Atlanta, Therrell and Washington):

(Monday) Me and My Pet Day. Take a photo with your pet and post to social media, tagging your high school cluster.

(Tuesday) Tik Tok Tuesday. Share a positive Tik Tok video, tagging your high school cluster.

(Wednesday) My Favorite Teacher Day. Send a message to your favorite teacher, tagging your high school cluster.

(Thursday) College & Career Day. Wear your favorite college or future career gear, tagging your high school cluster.

(Friday) Rep Your School Day. Wear your high school gear.


About Atlanta Public Schools

Atlanta Public Schools is one of the largest school districts in the state of Georgia, serving approximately 52,000 students across 87 schools. The District is organized into nine K-12 clusters with 58 traditional schools, 18 charter schools, six partner schools, two citywide single-gender academies and three alternative programs. To learn more about Atlanta Public Schools, follow us on social media – Twitter (@apsupdate), Facebook (Atlanta Public Schools), and Instagram (apsupdate) – or visit us online at www.atlantapublicschools.us.