6.15 APS to Host Virtual Town Halls on Potential Reopening Models

Office of Communications and Public Engagement
130 Trinity Avenue SW | Atlanta, Georgia 30303

 Ian Smith, Executive Director
404-802-2855, office
404-603-6934, cell

Seth Coleman, Media Relations Manager
404-802-2891, office
404-406-5570, cell

June 15, 2020 

Atlanta Public Schools to Host Virtual Town Halls on Potential Reopening Models
Listening Sessions are being held to gather feedback on the District’s reopening strategy


ATLANTA —  Atlanta Public Schools is planning to start the 2020-2021 school year on August 10 with the health and safety of its students and staff as the District’s top priority.


As such, the District is scheduled to host virtual town halls to gather feedback on three potential scenarios for reopening schools: virtual, traditional, or a hybrid of both.


The town hall discussions are scheduled for Thursday, June 18, at noon in English, and Monday, June 22, at 6 p.m., in Spanish and English. Both will be held on Facebook Live: @AtlantaPublicSchools | www.facebook.com/AtlantaPublicSchools


The community is invited to join the discussion to learn more about these potential scenarios and share their questions, comments, or concerns. Town Hall participants include Dr. Lisa Herring, incoming Superintendent of Atlanta Public Schools, and members of the APS COVID-19 Task Force. Mariela Romero, Univision’s Regional Community Empowerment Director, will facilitate the Spanish-language Town Hall on June 22.


APS will announce a final decision on its reopening plan in early to mid-July, in accordance with the public health determinations available at that time.



About Atlanta Public Schools

Atlanta Public Schools is one of the largest school districts in the state of Georgia, serving approximately 52,000 students across 87 schools. The District is organized into nine K-12 clusters with 58 traditional schools, 18 charter schools, six partner schools, two citywide single-gender academies and three alternative programs. To learn more about Atlanta Public Schools, follow us on social media – Twitter (@apsupdate), Facebook (Atlanta Public Schools), and Instagram (apsupdate) – or visit us online at www.atlantapublicschools.us.