The Atlanta Public Schools Testing + Assessment Guide & Testing Security Plan (“Testing Security Plan”) sets forth the general practices, policies, procedures, and responsibilities that the Atlanta Public Schools (APS) has established for the secure and successful implementation of the district’s testing program. It is intended for use by all APS personnel, including contractors and suppliers, as appropriate.

    These policies and procedures were collected following an extensive security audit conducted, for the purpose of evaluating and refining APS’s test security procedures, by Caveon Test Security in 2010. Practices and procedures have been revised and updated in subsequent years as both the state and local assessment programs have changed and been refined.

    Derived from the Georgia Department of Education’s (GaDOE) Student Assessment Handbook and applicable test-specific manuals, this Testing Security Plan provides guidelines inclusive of state and federal assessments along with district-level, college readiness, and other program-specific tests. Adherence to the practices and procedures outlined in this document will protect the valuable intellectual property each assessment represents, reduce the opportunity for inappropriate actions on the part of staff, students, or others, and help maintain the highest standards of ethics and test security. Further, this handbook, coupled with resources provided by the state and others, will inform staff training assist in providing structure and clear expectations for those involved in the district’s testing program.

    For more information about the APS Security Test Plan, please call the Assessment Office at 404-802-3526.