• Connecting with Your Child’s School: Who to Contact?

    The leadership and staff of Atlanta Public Schools is here to provide service and support to you and your student(s). Parents and guardians are encouraged to build channels of communication with the teachers and school leaders. Strategies for staying connected with your child’s school include:

    • Maintain a list of important school and district telephone numbers and email addresses.
    • Sign-up for Infinite Campus and other applicable portals for parent access.
    • Learn the channels for how your student’s school communicates with parents (social media; newsletters; calls; the school website).
    • Familiarize yourself with platforms and online tools that may be utilized by your student’s school for calendar updates, assignments, and school activities (e.g., Google Classroom; MyBackpack, etc.)


    Staying Connected- Who to Contact?


    If you have questions, begin with your child’s teacher. Email or call the teacher with questions or concerns. It may also be beneficial to schedule an appointment.

    Assistant Principal

    If additional information is needed, or your concerns involve a teacher or other staff member, contact an Assistant Principal assigned to your student’s grade level, or the department to which the teacher or staff member is assigned.

    School Principal

    If your child’s teacher or the assigned Assistant Principal is unable to resolve your concerns, email the School’s Principal to schedule an appointment.

    Associate Superintendents

    Associate Superintendents and their teams provide direct support and oversight to schools across the district. Associate Superintendents are responsible for building the capacity of school-based leadership teams to meet the needs of students. Email the Associate Superintendent assigned to serve your child’s school if you are unable to resolve your concern with the assigned school-level teachers or leadership. 

    Office of the Superintendent

    If you are unable to resolve your concerns, or need additional assistance, contact the Office of the Superintendent, or your designated School Board member.

    Office of the Organizational Ombuds

    Contact the Office of the Organizational Ombuds if you have not been able to resolve you concerns with school or district leadership. You may also contact the Office of the Ombuds if you have questions regarding equity related polices or procedures.


    If you are unsure of the appropriate department or individual to contact regarding your concern, or navigating within APS, you may contact the Office of the Organizational Ombuds.


    Translation Assistance

    Translation and interpretation services are available at no charge to parents and guardians who require assistance in understanding all district and school-related information. The Office of ESOL & World Languages provides support to all families, schools, and departments within Atlanta Public Schools.

    APS parents, guardians or students who need assistance in a language other than English may call 404-802-7580.