- Morningside Elementary School
- Fundraising
VP of Fundraising: Dayna Detro
The MES PTA traditionally raises funds for a variety of student enrichment (cultural arts performances, visiting authors & artists, and a Grants program), teacher support (classroom supplies, funding for specials), media center upgrades and technology enhancements including robotics. We do this through a combination of community sponsorships and partnerships, PTA memberships, merchandise sales, and two annual fundraisers (our fall Boosterthon and Dolphin Dash and a spring parent social). You can read more about how the MES PTA spends the money we raise by reviewing our annual budget, which will be posted here.Current/Planned Fundraising Initiatives
PTA Memberships
Paid PTA memberships can be purchased at any point during the school year and help to find PTA operations year-round. PTA Memberships typically cost between $5-20 and can be purchased via the MES PTA Square Site. Memberships for the 2023-2024 school year will go on sale in August 2023.
For questions about PTA memberships, please contact Matt Fox.
Dolphin Donors
As we embark on the new 2023-2024 school year, we are grateful for the local businesses who generously support the PTA, who we affectionately call our Dolphin Donors. This support helps us create an enriching learning environment for students, staff, and families. The Dolphin Donor sponsorship program provides exclusive advertising opportunities to our Dolphin Donors, including prominent signage at the MES East Rock Springs campus, social media posts, booths at school events, and more. Details about sponsorship levels and benefits for the 2023-2024 school year are now available on the Dolphin Donors webpage, so please click through for more details!
If you are interested in becoming a Dolphin Donor or would like to learn more about the program, please contact us at dolphindonors@morningsideschool.org.
Spirit Wear
Throughout the year, the MES PTA opens up our MES Spirit Wear website to help our community show their Dolphin pride! In the past, we have offered tee shirts, hoodies, gym shorts, sweatpants, and more. Please visit the Spirit Wear webpage for more details about the planned sales for the 2023-2024 school year!
For questions about Spirit Wear, please contact Kristen Weinstein or Erika Hall.
Dolphin Dash and Boosterthon
Our largest fundraiser of the year is our Dolphin Dash/Boosterthon! For this annual fundraiser, students and their families are asked to solicit sponsorships for their participation in our fall fun run, the Dolphin Dash. This is a great opportunity for kids to support their school while having fun. More details about this year's Boosterthon and Dolphin Dash will be released in mid-fall 2023, so please be sure to visit the Dolphin Dash webpage.
For questions about Dolphin Dash and Boosterthon, please contact Mallory Rahman or Mark Griffith.
Spring Parent Social
Every spring, the MES PTA hosts a spring fundraiser for parents, teachers, and community members. This ticketed event raises money for our PTA while also offering an opportunity for community building and celebration. Our 2024 event will be the totally rockin' Bust a Move Bash and Auction, which will take place on Saturday, March 16th, 2024. Please visit the Bust a Move Bash webpage for more details!
For questions about the Auction or to volunteer to help with this committee, please contact Fabricio Morales.
Community Fundraisers and Dine Outs
Every year, the MES PTA partners with various local organizations and restaurants to raise additional funds for MES. This partnership model allows us to grow support for our school in our community, promote our local businesses and organizations, and show our school spirit all while raising funds for our school. During the 2022-2023 school year, we had several Dine Out nights at local Morningside restaurants where a portion of the sales were contributed back to the school. We also had an AMAZING MES Night during an Atlanta United game in March where students who purchased tickets through MES were able to go down on the field and shoot penalty kicks after the game. We're looking forward to more of these events throughout the upcoming school year. To learn more about our upcoming events, please check the Community Fundraisers and Dine Outs webpage.
For questions about Community Fundraisers or to volunteer to help with this committee, please contact Justin Hubbarth.