• pmk
    Download the Parent App:
    Apple App Store
    Google Play Store

    This app is used for afternoon dismissal as well as all changes in dismissal. Dismissal changes must be made within the app by 1:45 PM. Emails and phone calls will not be accepted. 

    1) Download PikMyKid app and register yourself (if you don't have it already).



    *****Please wait patiently as we upload your data. We promise your student(s) will magically appear. You do NOT need a code!!!

    For returning MES students, all data in PikMyKid is already updated. HOWEVER, you will need to change two items in your app:


    1) Update Default Mode of Dismissal. If your student is a default bus rider, you will need to select the correct route - click HERE to find the correct route.

    *** The current default mode of dismissal is from the end of the 23-24 school year*** You must update if it has changed!! 

    Check the APS Bus Routes HERE to know your student's bus route   (link will be active in late July)

    1) You do not have to enter a student ID when registering the app...if it asks you for one, don’t worry...you don’t need it. All that means is that we have not uploaded your data from the form yet. Data is being uploaded in groups. Please be patient...your child will appear in the app after the data is uploaded on our end, we promise!

    2) You must enable notifications AND location services for the PikMyKid Parent app on your phone!

    3) If you or a delegate is not listed on a particular pick up day, you will be asked to go into the main office for identity verification!


    What if I need to change pickup mode?
    Click HERE to learn how to change pickup mode in the app

    What if someone else picks up my child? (A nanny, a grandparent, etc)
    You will need to make this person a DELEGATE within the app. Click HERE (Eng) or HERE (Sp) for instructions on how to do that.

    How do I use the app and what do I do? Click HERE (Eng) or HERE (Sp) for a parent user guide
    The PikMyKid app is used to make all dismissal changes.
    1) Mode of dismissal change - change from bus to carpool to walker, etc.
    2) Person picking up student has to be changed in the app to a delegate. See next question. 
    3) Dismissal changes or pickup delegations must be made by 2pm daily. 

    Carpool - your app should be open before you arrive to school. Click the bottom "Pickup" button. When the "ANNOUNCE" button turns green please click it! Teachers will be notified that you are in the car line queue and will send your student from the classroom outside.

    Walker - when you get to the walker pad to (at the flagpole) to meet your student, the ANNOUNCE button on the app will turn green.  You have to click the button! (No sign at Walker Pad). Teachers will be notified that you are waiting at the Walker Pad and will send your student  from the classroom outside.

    Bus - we will use the app to notify you if buses depart late or have delays. No action necessary if your student is riding the bus.

Parent Instructional Guides for PikMyKid

PikMyKid Parent Registration Guide - English

If you are having trouble viewing the document, you may download the document.

PikMyKid Parent Registration Guide - Spanish

If you are having trouble viewing the document, you may download the document.