Sustainability, Wellness, and Garden
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PTA VP of SWAG: Jackie Townley
What is "SWAG"?
The Sustainability, Wellness, and Garden Committee ("SWAG") consists of three teams that jointly deliver programming to help MES students and faculty build personal and community practices that are healthy for themselves and for their environment.
Ongoing SWAG Initiatives
Campus Clean Ups and Beautification
Throughout the year, the SWAG hosts regular opportunities for our community to come together and keep our campus beautiful. Please visit the Campus Beautification webpage to learn more about upcoming campus clean up dates for the 2023-2024 school year!
For more information on Campus Beautification, please contact Jackie Townley.
Earth Week
MES loves Earth Week! Every spring, our SWAG committee plans events and learning opportunities for our school community to celebrate the Earth we live on. Please visit the Earth Week webpage for more details about the plans for Earth Week 2024!
Field Day
MES Field Day takes place in early-ish spring. This fun-filled day is a great opportunity for our MES students to take a break from their desks and classrooms and get outside in the fresh air and sunshine! Please visit the Field Day webpage for more details about the plans for Field Day 2024!
For more information on Field Day, please contact Matt Fox.
Garden Support
The SWAG committee has been hard at work throughout the summer preparing our garden space for the 2023-2024 school year. SWAG volunteers help maintain this outdoor learning space throughout the year.
For more information about our garden activities, please contact Allison Bell.
Ongoing Wellness and Sustainability Initiatives
Throughout the year, our SWAG committee organizes amazing health, wellness, and sustainability activities to draw attention to the importance of taking care of ourselves, our community, and our planet. These activities include Global Handwashing Day, Walk to School Days, Smoothie Days on the playground, sign recycling drives, and so much more. To learn more about our wellness activities, please visit the Wellness webpage. To learn more about our sustainability activities, please visit the Sustainability webpage.
For more information about our wellness activities, please contact Kristen Balcome.