- Morningside Elementary School
- Fundraising
- Boosterthon and Dolphin Dash
It's Time for Boosterthon 2023!
Boosterthon is the number one fundraising event that the PTA operates at MES every year. This single event, which features a weeklong fundraising drive (that's the Boosterthon part) and culminates in the Dolphin Dash Fun Run, raises the money used to power the majority of PTA initiatives each year. Thanks to our generous supporters, last year's Boosterthon raised over $125,000 - an incredible boost for our school!
What is Boosterthon?
Simply put, Boosterthon is an opportunity for MES students to help raise money for their school. They do this by collecting pedges and donations over the course of approximately eight days in support of their participation in an exciting fun run at the end of the week. This year's Boosterthon will kick-off with a Pep Rally on Thursday, November 9th. After the Pep Rally, family and friends anywhere in the world can support our school by giving pledges toward the number of laps your students will complete on the day of the Dolphin Dash, which will take place this year on Friday, November 17th!
Besides being a fundraiser, Boosterthon is also a 7-day character-building program! This year’s theme is World Changes Workshop which will inspire students as they learn how to change the world in five steps: Find a Need, Write a Plan, Rally a Team, Launch it Now, and Grit it Out!
For an introduction for new families (or just a refresher if you've done this before), please check out this fun quick video on Boosterthon.
What is the Goal of Boosterthon and How Does It Benefit MES?
For the 2023-24 school year, our goal is to raise at least $100,000 for all of the amazing programming we have planned for our students and staff. These opportunities include:
Community Building, including outreach support to our families in need, community-building programs (such as No Place for Hate, the Monster Bash Halloween Carnival, and grade-level social events), and community service initiatives.
Student Enrichment, including events such as Family Science Night, the MES Arts Showcase (WAVES), the MES International Festival, cultural arts performances, and the Book Fair.
Teacher Support, including helping provide classroom supplies and books, teacher appreciation lunches, morale-boosting tokens of appreciation, funding for specials’ classroom needs (such as musical instruments, P.E. equipment, art supplies, and library books), and funding for Support Staff needs (like play therapy toys and intervention materials).
Sustainability and Wellness Promotion, including our new garden project, school-wide initiatives like Earth Week, smoothies at recess, Global Handwashing Day, and an epic Field Day experience for all students.
Technology Innovation, through PTA Grants that are available to any teacher or student with an innovative idea, and providing equipment and tools for efficient dismissal procedures and on-campus communication between administrators and staff.
What is the Dolphin Dash?At the conclusion of the Boosterthon fundraising drive, our school comes together for a final Boosterthon event - the Dolphin Dash! Parents and family members are invited to come cheer on our students on Friday, November 17th as they run their hearts out in support of their school. This fall tradition is bursting with school spirit and is always a ton of fun for everyone involved!For this year's event, grade-levels will be split into two groups, which will both run during the same time slot (with Group 1 running first and Group 2 cheering them on, and then switching). The full schedule for the Fun Run can be found below:What happens on Race Day?
- Each grade will have 2 running blocks within the grade time slot – the first set of classes will run while the second will cheer and vice versa. Parents are welcome to attend the entire time.
- Students will run about 35 laps around the field. No laps will be recorded to avoid congregation. All runners will be pre-set in the system for 35 laps.
- Students should wear comfortable or running shoes and bring their water bottles.
- Parking can be a challenge – please walk if possible!
What do Parents Need to Do?Glad you asked because it's officially TIME TO REGISTER! Start by watching this 90-second video, and then follow these three Parent Action Steps:1. Register your student(s) on MYBOOSTER.COM before the Pep Rally on Thursday, November 9th using the button below.2. Reach out to sponsors (family and friends anywhere in the world!) by sharing your students' pledge links. Sponsors can use that link to make a pledge per lap or a flat donation. Be sure to get your students involved in this process by asking them to call or email their family members to explain the program and share how they are helping to raise funds for their school. Don't forget to create a Student Star Video to help your students collect pledges.3. Make a plan to cheer on your student during the Dolphin Dash Fun Run on Friday, November 17th - parents, guardians, grandparents and more are welcome to join in the fun. See the schedule above to determine when your Dolphins will be Dashing!
What's Different This Year?In alignment with this year’s school-wide theme of Belonging, one of the PTA priorities this year is increasing engagement within the MES community. We want all students and families to feel included and have a similar MES experience. Therefore, we’re modifying the program’s rewards structure and prizes in response to parent feedback over the years, including:
- Introducing class-wide goals and prizes so everyone in the class has an opportunity to win something.
- Delivery of prizes will take place two times during the week instead of daily, making sure every student has a prize. Larger prizes will be shipped home.
- Replacing some of the generic prizes with customized MES spirit wear and class recess bags.
Volunteers Needed!The Boosterthon and Dolphin Dash Committee is in need of a few volunteers during the week of November 13-17th, both to help with the distribution of prizes to classes and individual fundraisers AND during the Dolphin Dash Fun Run on Friday. Please click here to sign up to assist via SignUp Genius. Thanks!
We hope we can count on your support to help fund all the great programming we have planned for our students and staff this year. We look forward to a fantastic program! If you have any questions about Boosterthon and/or Dolphin Dash, please contact co-chairs Mallory Rahman or Mark Griffith. -