Safety Drills & Practice

Posted by Deonne Malick on 3/8/2018 3:00:00 PM

With safety and security being our primary focus at Morningside, we are preparing to do several drills with students that may involve moving into classrooms quickly, evacuating outside areas, or evacuating the building.  Students may be prompted to move away from closed doors and to keep quiet while the lights are off.  We understand that this can be an emotional activity for our younger students.  While this will always be kept in mind, and the word “DRILL” or “PRACTICE” will always be used, we encourage all of our parents to speak to their students about these procedures and why we are practicing them.  

To further enhance our security measures, we are also asking that no parents pick up students by walking up to carpool, attempt to retrieve students from off a bus (unless there is a bus issue where you have been notified) and to be patient if someone asks you where your visitors badge is when you are in the building. Thank you- Jay Bland


